Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday November 15, 2009

pictures of our broken bridge.  if anyone knows what I did to make the type start in the middle of the page, and how I can fix it, please let me know!    the downtown bridge clogs up with garbage each time it rains and floods the downtown area with mud, debris, garbage, sewage, etc.    so they finally got around to knocking down the old bridge and they are putting in a new one!    this will take months to get done though.  first pic is as you approach the bridge that isn't there anymore from the north side.  next is of the concrete forms being placed, then we have the street level (people standing in background) where the old street was, and hopefully the level the new street will be there.   fun in St. Marc!    we have to drive around old, worse roads to get around the roadblock here, but eventually it will be an improvement.   tried to load video this morning w/o success.  will work on that and hopefully have that mastered to start sending weekly video of life here.

plans for me sliding into the principal's job here are going along.  Gary and Caroline, Nancy and I had a long discusstion this morning about it and I think it will go fine.  Nancy is our secretary, score reviewer, painter, excel spreadsheet person, and generally what ever else we need.   Many skills needed here to give organization and good information to make decisions on.   I expect the next few months will be hectic with the transition, but it seems God is busy at opening doors here again for me.   I have my audiology equipment here and I hope to get to the local hospital to start discussions for space after Thanksgiving.  by the first of the year, maybe hearing testing will be going on in St. Marc.  that's all for  now, everyone take care in the Midwest. 

Bondye benis ou                                                                                                                                       


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