Thursday, September 18, 2008

One week down, 35 more school weeks to go!

finished the first week of school and it has gone well. Kesmy passed his business math test (after seeing the business math and how it's done, no wonder the gov't is having to bail out Wall Street), and Myberson is learning to factor polynomials. do you know what it is like to have had your last algebra class.... 30+ years ago (that's close enough!) and have a student ask how to factor? It seems these things are coming back pretty quickly. I'll actually be smarter when I come back than when I left. (I know, that shouldn't be that hard). :) I have a wonderful book I am reading called Brother Lawrence, about a Carmelite Brother in France in the 1600's, whose life is detailed to some degree and how he lived. totally depended on God in everything he did. I am learning SOME of his idea's and the first week has gone well. EXCEPT of course for my physical ailment. For 10 points,does anyone know what a Haitian sinus infection feels like????? Anyone?????? don't be afraid, just shoot those hands up....... no one I see. Well, it feels just like an American sinus infection. it has come on the last few days and I am glad to have some time to get over it. Gary has some antibiotics and I have been taking them along with ibuprophen, so I am feeling better. still working on pic's and link' least I WILL work on pic's and link's when my head feels better. bye for now.

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