Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sunday is the election here in Haiti for open Senate seats. There are 12 of them, I believe. St. Marc has ordered all schools closed on Monday....just in case there is post election violence. Vehicles besides motorcycles are banned from the streets after noon limit drive by incidents. Power has been shut off to limit night time...campaigning. Who said elections can't be fun?

April is apparently vacation month in Haiti. The Haitian schools attend classes about 4 days for the whole month, I am told here. There is a spring vacation, personal holidays, teacher holidays, animal and insect the whole month is pretty much taken up in holidays. Kind of like August in France, but August is too hot here so they make it April.

I have become very popular with the kids in school. I owe it to mechanical pencils. I have a small supply of them and the kids absolutely think they are the greatest invention ever. I get asked every day for one. I do not have enough to give to every one, so "no" is the usual answer. But it is nice having the kids suck up to me. Rutney, a 9 yr old in Daniels class told me "oh, Mr. Dan, I wish I was in your class". She is nine and I teach the high school kids. She is a very bright nine, but..... So I get hugs and stuff from the kids, I get to tickle them a lot....then I say "no". I am a bad teacher...... I have a reputation for being a mad tickler and the kids avoided me because of it, so I backed off. A few days later, they all started coming around me and are now asking me to tickle them. Fickle kids. Dadyd (da-deed) is a highly cute 3 year old who is very diva-ish already. She ran from me for awhile, but when I quit tickling, she now runs towards me and wants to be tickled. So my life has become easier....I just wait for the kids to come to me and then tickle. Ah, experience leads to a better life!

I can't wait to get home and cut Steve's grass for him. it's one of the simple pleasures of life that I have missed. If I don't get a job, I may have to charge him. Let's see, how much to charge for 10 minutes of cutting grass? I am thinking $200 a week will take care of my bills, as long as it is in cash. :) oh, Steve.......

Djebenis tout moun

Bondye benis ou

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