Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesdy April 15, 2009

today is the day celebrated all over the world as American tax day!!!! I assume parades and such will be happening......maybe not? Today is the day we officially give our government trillions of dollars to spend as they see fit...which we all know is to secure more votes so they can win next time and get more money again.

talking with some of the locals here gives the sense of people who are resigned to the fate of having a corrupt govenment...this one or the next one, only difference is in who takes the money. I have to say that I have the same feeling about the US at this time. our government is completely out of touch with reality, they live in a fantasy land of money and power...otherwise known as the world. It seems that the only way to defeat the world is to live in it while at the same time seperating yourself from it. We can't leave it, but we can't live in it, as witnessed by a few thousand years of human history and how we mess up things every single time. We are consistent if nothing else, and "we" encompasses all people around the world. Consider the corruption in government and business, and prepare to get overwhelmed. The US, UN, Russia, EU, Japan, most 3rd world govt's......the list goes on and on. It appears that as humans we have found our niche....breaking things, just like kids. As we grow, however, we break bigger and bigger things and effect more and more people.

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is in assuming that it is due to power. I think that the Bible is right when it says that out of the a mans' heart comes the excess of his mouth. We sow out into the world what is inside us, and corruption is everywhere. It isn't politics, business, capitalism or is people. Maybe we need to be in the zoo's and let the animals run the show for awhile and see how that works. God, in His wisdom, however, put us in charge. I do not believe it is because we are so good at it, as previously explained! So as I rant and rave at times about getting rid of this or that and fixing governments and injustice, I realize that as we get rid of one set of people we would only replace them with another set of people.

Maybe we need a different method of operation. Maybe we need to let God run our lives. I know I absolutely need it, because I have no doubt whatsoever I will mess things up when I am in charge. Maybe if we gave to Caesar what is Caesar's and gave to God what is God's, (ourselves and our ambitions, along with everything else) we would be better off. I personally would like being better off. Not necessarily talking of money here, but about joy, peace, and knowing that I am secure in Him so that I can give and receive without worry of having lack or debt. That would be a good tax day, wouldn't it?

Have I said recently it is getting hot?
Djebenis tout moun
Bondye benis ou

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