Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oct 28, 2008

received some potentially good news today. I have already been offered a summer job for next year...at the VA where I worked before! received an e mail from Julie the new chief of audiology who says she has talked with the ent/audiology supervisor and they both would agree to offer me summer work as an audiologist next year. a wonderful blessing for me, as I won't have to fret over what to do next summer or how to pay bills or..you know, all the money things. I think that calls for a celebration of sorts. I will be breaking out the Oreo's here. (YES, Oreo's are available in Haiti, even DOUBLE STUFF'S!!!!!) it will be a night to remember I'm sure. :) prayers and blessings to everyone, just wanted to share that, it was a real encouragement and frankly I kind of needed one. bye for now


  1. That's stinkin' awesome Dan! I know that takes a load of your mind.

    Miss ya around the church, you are a big part of the "fam".

  2. I'm so thankful for your good news!
    I gave your email and blogspot to Laura Burton...as you know she and her husband Charles do alot of mission work in Africa. They realy have a heart for missions and network with alot of other missionaries. She said she would contact you soon.

    We miss seeing you every Sunday!
    God Bless,
